
World’s Largest Lesson: Live


Lead agency: Brother Film co. // Treatment Studios Unicef

The Brief

During the COVID-19 outbreak, when so many children are learning at home, World’s Largest Lesson and UNICEF have created a distance-learning YouTube show. World’s Largest Lesson Live is a 35-minute learning show suitable for age 13+ available in English, French and Spanish, featuring:

  • UNICEF Executive Director Henrietta Fore
  • UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina J Mohammed
  • Director-General World Health Organisation Dr Tedros Adhanom
  • WHO COVID-19 response technical lead Dr Maria Van Kerkhove
  • Actor and singer Sofia Carson
  • Actor and UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Millie Bobby Brown
  • The Brooklyn Youth Choir
  • Young people from around the world!
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The Approach


16th June 2020 saw the launch of World’s Largest Lesson Live, an educational show for teens created by World’s Largest Lesson in partnership with UNICEF. The show premiered on YouTube and brought together experts and young people in conversation to reflect on the past few months and discuss how they would like to reimagine the future post-COVID-19.

The show was hosted by NBC News and MSNBC Correspondent and Host of NBC’s Stay Tuned Savannah Sellers, it explored the themes of education, health, and the future—and addressed some of the key issues currently at the forefront of young people’s minds. For, although we may be physically distanced from one another, young peoples’ voices, opinions and actions do and always will, make a difference.



The impact


Millie Bobby Brown and Sofia Carson joined United Nations Deputy Secretary-General, Amina Mohammed and Executive Director of UNICEF, Henrietta Fore, in the World’s Largest Lesson Live, Encouraging Teens to Reimagine the World post-Covid-19.

The conversations focused on education; its purpose and how it can transform the lives of young people everywhere, Global Goal 3, Good Health and Well-Being. Finally, Executive Director of UNICEF, Henrietta Fore, UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador Millie Bobby Brown and Yael Cuprinoff, a student from Argentina, discussed what they hope the world will take forward from the pandemic. Positioning COVID-19 as a “re-set” instead of a “re-start” they discussed how young people can play a part in building back better for the future.

Dr Tedros Adhanom, Director-General of the World Health Organisation thanked young people for the contribution they have made to prevent the spread of the COVID19 pandemic. The show ended with the incredible voices of the Brooklyn Youth Chorus, who sang an uplifting performance of “You Will Be Found”.


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